Sep 29, 2014・Vol 184 No 12
U2’s Mission to Save Music
Cutting the Red Tape
New Indian leader Narendra Modi has pledged to get the country back on the path of growth by launching economic reforms-but he faces entrenched opposition. Will Modi succeed?
It’s Time to End the Drug War
A major new report makes the case for decriminalizing illicit drugs-all of them
War to Peace
An American 
veteran returns to Vietnam to help make it safer for 
his former enemy
The Case for Staying Connected
We don’t need to ditch the grid. We need to fix the power business
The Triumph of Index Funds
CalPERS’ move is a vote for passive investing
10 Questions With Ian McEwan
The author on wandering spouses, long lost brothers and that other Ian
Tina Fey’s Family Drama
”This is Where I Leave You” is the kind of bet Holllywood doesn’t like to make anymore
Francois Hollande Fights Personal Scandal
France’s leader tries to contain political fallout after release of former partner’s book
John Kerry’s Wary Coalition
Will the U.S.’s shaky group of partners hold against ISIS?
The Tragic Risks of American Football
Sixteen-year-old Chad Stover died playing a game after suffering a traumatic brain injury. Is the game worth it?
10 Things Teens Really Need to Know Before They Leave Home
These won’t get teens into college, but will make them better people
How Much Salt Is Safe?
Warnings abound that we’re overloading on salt, but earlier in September a study found that sodium wasn’t significantly linked to high blood pressure in people who were not hypertensive. How to make sense of it all? Start here.
Pop Chart
Dark Clouds
Silence of the Liams
The stalwart Neeson stalks psychos in a grim, sadistic thriller
- 出版社:Time Magazine Singapore Pte. Ltd.
- 発行間隔:週刊
- 発売日:毎週月曜日(14:00)
- サイズ:A4変形
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