Safety evaluation of excessive consumption of alpha-linolenic acid-enriched diacylglycerol in healthy subjects -A randomized, double-blind controlled, parallel-group designed trial- Nami Yamanaka, et al.
Mycelial extract of cultured Cordyceps sinensis improves the sleep disturbance induced by placing rats on the grid suspended over water Masayuki Uchida, et al.
Effect of a combination of hot water extract of Curcuma longa and curcumin on serum liver enzymes and emotional states in healthy participants with moderately high body mass index -A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial- Kengo Kawasaki, et al.
Hypocholesterolemic effect of sesame oil (Kadoya Pure Sesame Oil) -A verification test with a randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled study- Keigo Seki, et al.
Plasma GLP-1 concentration and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 activity in rats fed partially hydrolyzed guar gum are affected, not plasma PYY concentration, by cecectomy Ryoko Shimada, et al.
Daily sorghum tea reduces human body fat and plasma glucose -A clinical investigation of the efficacy and safety of long-term intak Hiroshi Yokomichi, et al.
Sorghum tea does not alter postprandial plasma triglycerides -A randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover clinical trial- Hiroshi Yokomichi, et al.
The relationship between plasma levels of L-Arginine and NO after L-Citrulline supplementation -A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial- Masahiko Morita, et al.
大豆胚芽摂取による頭髪および肌環境の改善 前渕 元宏ほか
健常男女成人におけるカキ肉エキス含有飲料「ワタナベオイスタードリンク」の安全性評価 渡辺 貢ほか
Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of Kaempferia parviflora extract (SIRTMAX(R)) in human -A randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover clinical study-” Norimoto Shimada, et al.